Thursday, July 30, 2009

Knocking without a reply

Nope, i dont feel like talking about the future like i said last week, im just not feeling it now, o well. i hate the feeling in the life that makes everything around you temporary and how quickly people can come and go through your life. and no matter how much you love them or try sometimes it just hits a dead end. they leave, holding parts of you that are not able to retrieve and carrying your secrets. thats makes you not want to open up to people because you know eventually they will leave. once you open up your soon to regret it because you know how much that person will kill you in the end to lose and sometimes you just want that to never start but you know the end pain will pass and you can smile about those old memories or cry about them or just try to black them out. i dont know im a nostalgic type of person. execpt for the fact the past scares the shit out of me, mostly for the chances of it repeating or regetting all the things i could have done different or if it would have even mattered. i think i going to do some research on a death to go find and well i guess apologize..?

returning to time
i dont know what i could have done
we were all young unknown to the world

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